After making the video, I wanted my viewers to learn how to make the tart. However, when I learned how to make egg tarts, I also learned from the video resources provided in multimedia. So I think the more people who will, the easier it will be for the recipe to improve. Because everyone has different tastes, insights, and ideas on how to make egg tarts, this will provide more ideas on how to make them and thus improve the recipe.
In our perception of multimedia learning in this module, I think that the four principles of Meyer’s theory, the principle of redundancy, the principle of coherence, and the principle of proximity, are the ones that I intuitively seem to use.
In my video, I did not add any other irrelevant material to interfere with the view. Nor did I add background music to divert attention (redundancy principle). I provided text and images to help the viewer understand more easily (proximity principle). On the other hand, the steps of the production are clearly provided and coherently put together. The simplicity of the process makes it more motivating for the viewer to continue (coherence principle).
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